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Diabetes & Obesity

Choosing the Relevant GLP-1 Species to Study
November 29, 2016

Choosing the Relevant GLP-1 Species to Study

  A better understanding of incretins has led to tremendous therapeutic advances in the field of type 2 diabetes1. These hormones are released from the gut in response to food ingestion and lead to the stimulation of pancreatic β-cells which then release insulin in a glucose-concentration dependent manner1. One such hormone is glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) that has been shown to initi...
Customer Spotlight: Measuring Functionality Islet Microtissues
July 26, 2016

Customer Spotlight: Measuring Functionality of Islet Microtissues

Date: July 26, 2016 Beta cell generation has gained much traction in recent years among diabetes researchers. Investigators are not only converting adipose tissue and skin cells into beta cells, they are also starting to grow beta cells in a petri dish in vitro. Swiss company InSphero has begun measuring functionality of islet microtissues through the use of STELLUX® Chemiluminescent assays....
The Significance of Bioactive Leptin in Obesity Research
May 3, 2016

The Significance of Bioactive Leptin in Obesity Research

May 3, 2016 Leptin resistance is a challenging topic of conversation in obesity. It is defined by a state in which the body does not display any adapted response to high endogenous or exogenous levels of leptin while continuing to maintain excess body weight1. This may be due to a decreased uptake of leptin in the brain, reduced central response to leptin, or hypothalamic inflammation1. Cong...
Investigating Bioactive Leptin in Obesity Research
April 26, 2016

Investigating Bioactive Leptin in Obesity Research

The Biology of Leptin Leptin is a hormone composed of 167 amino acids and is primarily produced by adipocytes, therefore providing a signal to the energy state of organisms. By binding to the leptin receptor, the analyte influences activity within the JAK-STAT pathway and thereby regulates energy metabolism and food intake in particular1,2. Leptin levels show a circadian variation (+/- 30%) an...
Early Detection Diabetic Kidney Disease
April 12, 2016

Early Detection of Diabetic Kidney Disease with Biomarkers

Introduction Over one third of diabetics will develop diabetic kidney disease (DKD) in their lifetime1. Despite the large amount of diabetics suffering from DKD, current methods for measuring and tracking kidney function may not be specific enough for diabetic systems2,3. Part III of The Common Denominator eBook series examines the kidney complications caused by diabetes, and current resear...
How Runners' High and Leptin Play a Role in Metabolism
April 6, 2016

How Runners' High and Leptin Play a Role in Metabolism

  As a runner, I’ve long been intrigued by what gets me high during my runs. Endorphins, you say? Yes, I’m well aware of those and bless those endorphins. But, I have to say, there’s nothing quite as satiating as a good run and as a scientist by training, I was convinced that there was more to that feeling than endorphins. Turns out, there is. It wasn’t too long ago that I came acros...
Physiological Actions of Natriuretic Peptides
March 15, 2016

Physiological Actions of Natriuretic Peptides

Introduction Humans have at least 50 discovered hormones managing vital biological functions in the body. These hormones are produced by the body’s organs and glands. Natriuretic peptides (NPs) are structurally related hormones synthesized and released from the heart, including atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and brain natriuretic peptide (BNP). Due to some of the physiological actions of nat...
Heart Disease Biomarkers in Diabetes Research
March 1, 2016

Heart Disease Biomarkers in Diabetes Research

Introduction Cardiovascular disease (CVD) encompasses a constellation of diseases related to the heart and circulatory system. Despite efforts to understand and combat CVD complications from diabetes, 65% of diabetics will pass away from cardiovascular issues1. Part 2 of The Common Denominator eBook series examines the relationship between diabetes and cardiovascular disease, and how investiga...
Measuring Pancreatic Elastase
February 9, 2016

Measuring Pancreatic Elastase to Diagnose Pancreatic Disease

Many digestive system disorders and diseases can  present similar types of symptoms including bloating, diarrhea, constipation, and weight gain/loss. In an effort to rule in or rule out the presence of one disease or the absence of another, clinicians will often turn to clinically approved stool-based tests measuring different biomarkers. Measuring pancreatic elastase to diagnose pancreatic dis...
Islet Beta Cell Dysfunction
May 29, 2014

Islet Beta Cell Dysfunction in Type 1 Diabetes

This webinar is presented by Prof. Raghu Mirmira, MD PhD of Indiana University and discusses beta cell dysfunction as it relates to diabetes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThCF4krH9qg