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Tips & Tricks
The Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) is a proven sensitive method for detecting and quantifying specific biomarkers in a wide range of clinical and research samples. The accuracy and precision of ELISAs can be affected by many factors, including pipetting, washing, and sample-handling techn...
Clinical Research
New: Calprotectin Immunoturbidimetric Assay will take your testing to the next level. Learn more.ALPCO has been serving the needs of clinical researchers and clinical diagnostics labs for over 30 years, and we now offer a broad product menu of proprietary automated sample-to-answer platforms. We’re ...
Our platforms offer walk-away, sample-to-answer solutions for life science research, clinical research, and diagnosticsALPCO is a global leader in platforms for immunodiagnostics and molecular diagnostics. Our proprietary automated sample-to-answer solutions provide efficiency and ease-of-use for th...
Multiplex Allergy
MADx Multiplex Allergy Assays & InstrumentationALPCO is the exclusive North American distributor for the MADx ALEX2 platform for multiplex IgE allergy detection and the FOX platform for detection of IgG-mediated food intolerance.MAX 45k for Automated Sample ProcessingThe MAX 45K is a fully aut...
Featured Biomarkers from A to Z
This handout briefly describes the role of several important hormones measured in research.
Simplify Stool Sample Processing
Introduction We understand the challenges facing lab managers and directors who need to continuously improve workflow efficiency and implement new tests and technologies to be competitive. Our unique extraction method can be used with a portfolio of targeted stool markers. This allows your lab to s...
Heart Disease Biomarkers in Diabetes Research
Introduction Cardiovascular disease (CVD) encompasses a constellation of diseases related to the heart and circulatory system. Despite efforts to understand and combat CVD complications from diabetes, 65% of diabetics will pass away from cardiovascular issues1. Part 2 of The Common Denominator eBoo...
Physiological Actions of Natriuretic Peptides
Introduction Humans have at least 50 discovered hormones managing vital biological functions in the body. These hormones are produced by the body’s organs and glands. Natriuretic peptides (NPs) are structurally related hormones synthesized and released from the heart, including atrial natriuretic p...
Stool-Based Biomarkers to Differentiate Between IBD and IBS
What are IBD and IBS? Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are two different gastrointestinal tract issues affecting millions of people every day. Although there is some overlap between symptoms of IBD and IBS, differences still remain in regards to pathologies, risks...
Customer Spotlight: Measuring Functionality of Islet Microtissues
Date: July 26, 2016 Beta cell generation has gained much traction in recent years among diabetes researchers. Investigators are not only converting adipose tissue and skin cells into beta cells, they are also starting to grow beta cells in a petri dish in vitro. Swiss company InSphero has begun m...
PI3K Delta Signaling in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Date: September 6, 2016 Author: Andrea Tarbet, Product Marketing Associate at ALPCO Signaling pathways dictate the differentiation, activation, and functions of immune cells.  Even the slightest problem in one cell signaling pathway can transform the immune system and turn it against the body,...
Emerging Biomarker Research in NAFLD and NASH
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is becoming the most common chronic liver disease in the western hemisphere affecting 1 in 3 adults and 1 in 10 children1.  Today, liver biopsies are the only gold standard for precise diagnosis of NAFLD2. Because of this, there are tremendous efforts on the ...
The Generation and Function of Active GLP-1
The Generation and Function of Active GLP-1 Active glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) is a member of the incretin hormone family and is generated as a result of post translational modifications during proglucagon processing1,2. Active GLP-1 plays a key role in the incretin effect and is vital for main...
A Guide to STELLUX® Chemiluminscence ELISAs: An Infographic
Today, multiple immunoassay platforms exist, providing scientists and clinicians with the means to measure a variety of biomarkers1,2,3. However, research indicates some immunoassay platforms have limitations that can inhibit progress in the laboratory4,5,6. In an effort to provide researchers with ...
12 ELISA Tips and Tricks: An Expert’s Guide to Improve Your Technique
The Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) is a proven sensitive method for detecting and quantifying specific biomarkers in a wide range of clinical and research samples. The accuracy and precision of ELISAs can be affected by many factors, including pipetting, washing, and sample-handling techn...
Next-Gen Multiplex Allergy Testing with MADx
ALPCO has partnered with MacroArray Diagnostics, MADx, to offer a comprehensive testing solution for IgE-based allergies. MADx’s multiplex allergy test incorporates allergens covering 99% of globally relevant allergens, including pollen, pet allergens, dust mites, insect venom, foods, and mo...
MacroArray Diagnostics GmbH (MADx) partners with ALPCO to offer a fully automated sample-to-answer multiplex allergy test solution to the North American market
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Salem, NH – February 1, 2022: ALPCO (Salem, NH), a leading US producer of novel immunoassay testing platforms, recently announced an exclusive distribution partnership with MacroArray Diagnostics GmbH (Vienna, Austria). Together they offer a comprehensive line of testing ...
8 Questions to Ask Before Choosing an Allergy Testing Platform
1. What percentage of your IgE allergy testing panel consists of molecular allergens rather than allergen extracts? The ALEX2 IgE allergen panel consists of 117 extracts and 183 molecular allergens. This represents the largest panel of molecular allergens on the market, including 50+ unique molec...
Webinar On Demand: Multiplex IgE Testing and Molecular Allergens
Our speaker from MacroArray Diagnostics, Christian Harwanegg, PhD, discusses Multiplex IgE Testing and Molecular Allergens. Watch Now The ALEX2 ALLERGY XPLORER multiplex IgE panel enables screening of up to 300 environmental and food allergens with just 100 – 200µL of sample. Testing a lar...
Vasopressin: An Important Biomarker for Water Metabolism & Sleep Research
ALPCO is pleased to announce the addition of two new radioimmunoassays (RIA) to measure vasopressin. The Vasopressin RIA and the Vasopressin Direct RIA. Both assays were originally developed by BÜHLMANN Laboratories. After optimization for greater ease-of-use, they are now offered by NovoLytiX G...
Webinar on Demand: Molecular Allergy Diagnostics – Principles and Methodology
Our speaker from MacroArray Diagnostics, Christian Lupinek, MD, discusses Molecular Allergy Diagnostics – Principles and Methodology. Watch Now In the webinar “Molecular Allergy Diagnostics – Principles and Methodology,” the basic principles of component-resolved allergy diagnosis, especia...
Food Intolerance Testing with MADx
ALPCO has partnered with MacroArray Diagnostics, MADx, to offer a comprehensive testing solution for IgG-based food intolerances. MADx’ multiplex food test offers a complete repertoire of relevant food antigens, including dairy, nuts, fruits/vegetables, spices and also superfoods such as alo...
The Role of IgE and IgG in Allergy Testing
Cases of food and environmental allergies have been increasing over the last decade. While conservative estimates suggest IgE-mediated allergy affects 6-8% of children and 2-3% of adults, some estimates are as high as 30%.3, 2 Symptoms can range from mild to severe and include itching, hives...
Allergy Article Download
Cases of food and environmental allergies have been increasing over the last decade. While conservative estimates suggest IgE-mediated allergy affects 6-8% of children and 2-3% of adults, some estimates are as high as 30%.3, 2 Symptoms can range from mild to severe and include itching, hives, vo...